Thursday, December 29, 2016
When I was 16 years old there was an older guy driving a really nice sports car and then a young teen ran a stop sign and plowed into the sports car no one was hurt but the older guy got out of his car screaming all kinds of profanity while the teen was scared to death because he knew he was at fault.Well this older man showed no mercy,no compassion,no empathy at all but what shocked the crowd is after 5 minutes of this man speaking non-stop curses and evil at this young man he grabbed his chest and died of a massive heart attack.So many times in life so many people have said I didn't know my good friend,or my mom,dad,brother,sister,or good friend were going to pass away.So many people I meet have got like this arrogance that they will live forever but then you see their picture in the newspaper a week later and their gone.So many people have been consumed in the things of this world claiming to love God but have no real fruit.There was a very wealthy business woman one day in her late sixties fell over dead and it shocked some people that this business woman had no one barely show up for her funeral but to people that knew her it didn't surprise no one.So many people I meet are living for success,power,restoring an old car,building a mansion,or wanting that luxury yacht but the question is when you are going to be called home are you ready ? I told a good friend one time are you building a ministry for Jesus Christ to be glorified or for your glory ? See you might be doing all the right things by appearance but are you right with God? When is the last time you made the Holy Spirit welcome in your life? When is the last time you really just spent to with God praising and thanking him? Isn't it time to come back to your first love and repent of any sins?
Monday, December 26, 2016
After 23 years of being involved in spiritual warfare and deliverance, I still amazed how many people can quote scriptures based on spiritual warfare,know about demons, know about warfare,know that demon possession is real but then see a child with enormous power,see a person growl or see a person perform black magic by performing in a park and yet the person either runs in fear or just stands there and watches.When the bible says that even the elect could be fooled this doesn't surprise me because so many Christians instead of using their God-given power and authority they think it's ok to be entertained by someone performing black magic,which opens a huge door way to demons to come in a persons life and they don't even know it.To many Christians will make every excuse they can for mental illness,or the so-called common cold or common flu.Church we need to arise out of our sleep and run to the battle and quit allowing demons to convince us that sickness is common,divorce is common,poverty is common,mental illness is common,lack is common,losing your job is common,and going to jail or prison is common now days.I am so heart broken when people who are Christians are now even believing that suicide is now common because of heartache.I dont care what some one says or believes because if it isn't in the word of God then their beliefs come from demons.Church our God says we are more then conquers,we are children of the most high God,we have access to the blood of Christ,the name which is above every name,and we can fellowship with the same Holy Spirit that rose Christ from the dead.Isn't it time to quit making excuses and start living in victory and helping others live in victory also ? Isn't it time to get excited ?
Saturday, December 17, 2016
So many people I meet in life or online complain about that their children or grandchildren steal from them,take advantage of them,don't work but are constantly needing to borrow money.I hear things like they just stay up all night and play video games,go out with friends or just watch movies and then sleep all day long.But the biggest thing that amazes me is people want sympathy for being treated so poorly by their children or grandchildren but I won't give them sympathy .The bible is very clear about this gluttony is a sin, and lazyness is a sin, so why would any parent or grandparent that claims to be a Christian would reward their child or grandchildren for living in sin is beyond me .I have more respect for secular parents then I do for a large amount of Christians because to many Christians make excuses of why they are allowing their children or grandchildren to live in sin.So many people don't like this word as if it is a forbidden word to the point they treat it like a cuss word but ( Godly sorrow ) leads to repentance.So many people every month will send me messages on Facebook and send me e-mails claiming how lazy their adult child is but when I contact them back the childs cigarettes,alcohol,car insurance,car payment,going out with friends is all paid by Christian parents or Christian grandparents,yes you just heard me correctly. In 1989 I personaley was homeless and came close to eating out of trash cans because I was a severer meth,cocain, I had all kinds of mental issues and I alcoholic 27 years later I am an author,teacher,evangelist and speaker nationwide. See so don't tell me Godly sorrow is so wrong.I personally know 25 people that are having a rough financial time right now because they are wanting to reward their child or children for being lazy.See its this simple if you want to invite a curses into your home don't contact me for help because Gods word over rules all prayers.Want to be blessed get right with God and repent.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Through the years of being a Christian I find it so sad how many people I meet claim their not really intrigued or interested in the things of deep black magic but will stand there and watch one of Satans apostles perform a black magic trick in the park or at a mall and instead of people binding up the demonic powers they stand there and watch or I find it so sad how many people claim to be Christians will go to a seminar where they hypnotize people to quit smoking or quit gambling but these people don't realize the name of Jesus Christ can break every demonic power there is.See so many Christians look at a deliverance ministry like mine and say we don't want you,and so many Christians don't seem to realize just like you can entertain angels you can also entertain demons just as easy.I find it sad how many times a Christian was being entertained by something demonic then they contact me and tell me how they read their bible,go to church and pray but now all of a sudden their either haveing demonic visions or severe tormenting dreams all because they enjoyed watching something at a park that was 100% black magic or they went to be hypnotized.This might offend someone but church black magic is real and whether or not you want to accept reality when you do anything that has to do with magic,going into the subconscious without God doing it you can guarantee demons are present.I had a pastor contact me about his son and I let him know the bible gives us a very strong warning about a foothold that we give Satan by opening a doorway to demons. So please instead of being intrigued by the things of the enemy why don't you bind up the things of the enemy and let your light Shine.So please ask yourself how can you be fascinated or intrigued by something Jesus calls abomination?
Sunday, December 11, 2016
So many people get stressed out because of the holidays feeling like they have to do this or that but so many people forget that the greatest experiences in life aren't with friends,family,presents,or getting a gift.No the greatest experience in life in getting to that point to where you can be in the presence with Jesus Christ to where every nerve in your body is being hit,every cell in your body is being cleaned,to where every inch of your body is being blessed to where sickness,diseases,and every curse is being shattered in Jesus Christ name.When I came out of Satanism and being a psychic I would at times drifted away when driving long distances as if I was in a deep sleep I knew this was very dangerous but I didn't know what to do,well one day at a prayer conference this prophet said there's a very powerful spirit of death over you but I don't know how to break it. Well I was deeply bothered being only saved 3 months at the time well the next day at work I was standing to where I could see my shadow,well the Holy Spirit came upon me like a flood and said see that shadow now imagine that shadow being Christ who lives in you,so the more you live a life walking in humility and believing for things so called people say are impossible the more that power will grow.So 7 years later when I was diagnosed with cancer, I knew the most important thing wasn't seeking medical advice or prayer, no the most important thing was getting in Christ presence.Do you need prayer,need a financial miracle,do you need a supernatural touch from God ? Get in the presence of Jesus Christ and then shout as every demonic power is being broken without even asking.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
If you are needing prayer and asking for help please don't be offended if I don't write a lot back when I respond,I now have people from 159 countries coming to my ministry seeking prayer and help plus I now have several thousand through out America asking for help.If you would like to bless this ministry by sowing a seed or praying for this ministry I deeply would appreciate it. Be blessed.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Through the 23 years working in deliverance and being a part of spiritual warfare I will not ever understand why so many people battle with so much fear when Jesus said you will do greater things than me.Where ever I go to speak or whatever radio program I am on so many claim they want to do build a ministry,write a book,start a church,start a bible study,become a missionary,start a program to help or teach a group but as sad as it is in all the years in the ministry I have discovered a large majority of people will never get out of the boat because satan has convinced them to bow their knee to the spirit of fear instead of getting out of the boat and walk in faith.So many people I meet from coast to coast claim to be Christians but listen to demons more than listen to God.So many people know how to quote scriptures and know how to pray but do nothing for the kingdom of God.I find it sad how many people have even said to me tomorrow I will give you a love offering or next week when I get paid I will go to your PayPal account and give something but don't because fear has gripped their heart.It really breaks my heart how many people are filled with lip service but are too fearful to do anything.I have met people who were asked to go with me to a homeless shelters,go into a prison,or go to a hospital to pray for people and it was so sad the excuses people used why they couldn't go.Church can we really expect a dying world to see hope in Jesus Christ if the majority of the church bows its knee to a DEMON. Can we really expect people to take Jesus power and authority seriously if the majority of the church walks in fear because of a DEMON? Isn't it time to arise out of the ashes of your pain and run to the battle knowing you are running in victory.Isn't it time to quit telling people on the internet how great Jesus is and start showing the world just how awesome Jesus Christ really is.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Last night I had a pastor's wife verbally attack me on Facebook claiming that we should never discuss demons but only have happy thoughts.I asked her to think about this for a moment when someone is battling unforeseen forces it is almost impossible to think positive.Well after our debate I came to realize she is a feel good teacher that doesn't believe in warfare.See when people ask me why would you write books that expose demons like my book…/…/ref=sr_1_1…. Because in courtrooms all across America and all over the world countless people are saying I don't know why I strangled my children to death,I don't know why I raped that woman,I don't know why I molested that child but thousands of courtroom documents point out a person heard a voice saying to do this evil act.For un known reason, a person walks into a bank claiming God said to rob it then shoots themselves.So many woman,children, and men all over are being harmed every second of every day because demons are convincing people to do evil and wicked acts while a large portion of the church is saying don't think bad things just be happy and think good thoughts.Every day a child is committing suicide or a teenager is while the church preaches to just feel good and God wants to bless you withy prosperity.So you may claim my ministry or my books are to scarry but I am not interested in a feel-good message,my ministry preaches about the cross,the Holy Spirit,sin,Jesus Christ name,the blood,and that we have power of demonic powers because they are real.So please do yourself a favor if you don't like my messages why be my friend so un-friend me, please.It won't hurt my feelings in any way if you decide to unfriend me.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
When I lived in Tulsa,Oklahoma I went to hear the prosperity message being preached by these prosperity preachers and as they sharing their messages the Holy Spirit came upon me and said when did the message of the cross become so cheapened by the love of money ? So many people are so marveled and amazed by those that have great wealth,but so very few people want to realize that Jesus said that to be the greatest is to be a servant to all and the last will be first.So many people are willing to go to great lengths to get wealth but if wealth was such a wonderful and glorious thing to obtain why are so many wealthy people committing suicide,getting hooked on drugs and becoming severe alcoholics ? See I have personally written prosperity teachers letters asking them these same questions and not one ever responded.See the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't a message on how to get wealth,power,fame,being a self-righteous snob,the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is about hope,forgiveness,peace,love,compassion,and a relationship between God and us because of Jesus shedding his blood.So many prosperity teachers non-stop love to talk about wealth and how to get it but didn't Jesus make it clear that to really care about someone is to lose our life for them? So many lives have been destroyed because of all the lies being preached by these false teachers and they don't care. See so many people really believe life is about their happiness,prosperity,feeling good,and getting everything they want but this might offend someone but your life isn't about you, it's about honoring,worshiping,glorifying,and exalting Jesus Christ.So before you throw stones at me or send one more dollar to any of those so-called prosperity teachers you might want to read your bible for yourself.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Through the years of helping people, one thing I find so interesting is how many Christians have been by people claiming to be Christians than by those who were Satanist,witches or occultist. In Honolulu,Hawaii several years back there was a couple that were very respected by the mega church they belonged to,so many people admired this couple,they were wealthy,seemed very spiritual,the leadership adored them but this couple were running a mortgage company that was 100% fraud and for several years were getting away with it till the F.B.I went after them but so many Christians lost their homes,property, and money because of them.Several woman that have contacted me wanting help because they were raped said the guy said he was a Christian and even prayed with me or read the bible with me.A good friend of mine knew a couple in a church that were highly respected and they became friends well about 9 months later they found out this couple was under investigation for child abuse and were arrested. A pastor and his wife I knew gave 10 thousand dollars to a Christian orphanage that didn't even exist.What so many Christians dont realize it so many as sad as it is to say look at the appearance of someone then based their opinion on that.So many Christians are bitter,resentful,heart broken,angry,and depressed because someone that claimed to be a Christian hurt them deeply.So before trusting someone because of what they say ask God to reveal their heart,ask God for discernment,and if you aren't sure just wait.This is why I tell people who sow into my ministry to go to my websites,watch my youtube channel and read my post if you see something I am not doing right biblically tell me and if you need help call me.So many people are being destroyed because they don't realize in the name of God people are using worldwide to rip people off.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
I really wonder at times if people really do read their bible at times because some people really believe Catholics are Christians even though Catholics commit an abomination by praying to the dead and believe in purgatory which means Christ died for no reason on a cross,some believe Mormons can be Christians even though the Mormon church believes that Christ and Satan were brothers,wearing undergarments prayed over can protect them spiritually and before 1978 African Americans were considered evil according to the prophet of the church.Some believe that those who believe in white supremacy or racial hatred could be Christians even though they preach hate.Some wonder if Jehovah Witnesses can be Christians even though they are 100% an occult to where they want to control everything in your life.So many people like to claim that so and so actor or actress is a Christian even though they live a life of sexual sins,drug abuse,alcoholism,greed,and they never acknowledge Jesus Christ publically because they fear it could offend someone, Even though Jesus Christ said if deny me publically I will deny you to my father.What is so sad is how many people say their just pretending because their in a movie tell Jesus that when Jesus Christ said stay away from the appearance of evil and Jesus also said if you cause one of these little ones to fall into sin,it would be better for that person to jump into a deep lake and put a noose around their neck and tied to a stone then fall into the hands of God. Isn't it time to read your bible and quit playing games ? Jesus Christ didn't warn us of Hell if he was joking.
So many people I meet find spiritual warfare and deliverance very exciting to where they want to learn everything they can but I find it interesting out of al the books I have read about warfare and out of all the sermons I have listened to on spiritual warfare so very few people ever write about or talk about the cost.See Jesus Christ even talked about the cost but so very few people dont ever want to discuss the cost.I knew a man years ago that was praying for a well-known author who most of his books were turned into horror movies because he was well known for the horror he could write about.Well because this author wasnt saved he would non-stop praying for this author but several people warned him to only pray when led by God but this young man prayed anyways.Well this young man all of a sudden had so many demonic attacks come upon him this man went insane and he is now free but like he said,people warned him but he never knew there was a cost.Church deliverance and warfare is exciting but realize this the greater anointing and power you walk in the spirit the bigger target you become. So in all things be led by the Holy Spirit. To many Christians are blaming God for their own ignorance because too many don't realize if you come against Satans kingdom there is a cost. This is why I am asking people to really pray for my ministry and help because this ministry doesnt take a vacation from reaching out to those who are deeply involved in witchcraft,voodoo,satanism,seances,Tarot cards,channeling,domestic violence,rape issues,psychic,mediums,and those who love their Quija board.24 hours a day 365 days a year.
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