Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Love is not being controlled, called filthy names,love is not slapped,cursed at,spit on,punched,kicked,laughed at,made fun of,ridiculed,beat on,have your hair pulled out,being degraded,being made to feel worthless,being forced to having sex,being raped,being burned,being forced to sleep in a dog pen,being forced to sleep in a garage,being withheld food,sleep,clothes,being forced to surrender all your money or your worldly possessions ,feeling threatened,being manipulated,being lied to,being used,being forced to eat dog or cat food,being cut,being knifed, burned,tortured,being forced to suffer,being forced to wear a dog chain or dog collar,being sodomized,being drugged,forced to lose weight,threatened,being forced to do anything that is mentally,emotionally,psychical or spiritual that is harmful to you or life-threatening.Being forced to do anything that you feel is mental, emotionally, spiritually or psychically wrong.Also, love is not a being a punching bag for no one.Being told you need to lose weight or you need to change the clothes you wear or the way you are, and love is not staying with a spouse that cheats on you with other woman or men

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The other day I had a person ask me why would you disgrace yourself to the world sharing such humbling things you have been through knowing people will look down on you and laugh at you? I wanted to address this question publicly and not privately because I want to share something very deep. When I was in my late teens and I saw and heard demons talking to me I was on the verge of committing murder or suicide. I was being tormented so badly that I hated mornings so badly because that would mean I would have to face another day of torment all day long but I hated nights because I knew that morning would come again.See I lived in a prison in my own mind to where anti-depressants, therapy, and countless hours being locked up in an institution left me feeling even more hopeless every day. No matter what I did things just got worse and worse and even though I attempted suicide 5 times I looked at that as being a failure because I couldn't even kill myself. I literally found life to be just a hopeless situation and a joke. A fellow employee ask me to speak with his pastor so I did but even a pastor said you said you talk about suicide you might as well take your life than 6 months later another pastor said you will never do anything great for the kingdom because how evil you have become. 6 rehabilitation centers and 7 mental wards, A.A.,N.A, several psychologists, 3 therapist and countless number of counselors all did nothing for me but Christ healed my liver, heart, kidneys and mind, in a blink of an eye. I was diagnosed with over 12 mental illnesses. So the reason why I will share this publically is because I lived in a world of pure hell in my mind for several years then I met Jesus Christ and he healed me and made me whole. So considering I am Free today, I will shout it from the rooftops I was insane but today I am free for 26 years now.
Keep it real.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Several people have asked me if I will come to their city and put on a conference? Well this might shock some of you but I go where I am appreciated not just tolerated. See when an elderly widow ask me if I would come to N.Carolina and put on a conference because so many teens were getting into drugs and committing suicide, she said please come here and speak. So I told her that all I ask is my flight, my motel ( like motel 6 or comfort inn) meals and a location to speak at.Well we figured out it was right around $ 6 hundred. Well, she pointed out how poor she is and how poor the area is but I said we serve a mighty God. Well 15 days later she had the money because people sowed into it, some she didn't even know, then a single woman brought me into Pennsylvania same thing God gave her the money to bring me in. Then A military chaplain said would you come to Arizona but once again same story and yet while I was on the way in the air financial miracles were happening to him . See my friends the God we serve is a mighty God, question is are you yes are you willing to be like Gideon, King David, Caleb or Peter or are you going to be just another person being complacent and living in fear . I have a media kit I will gladly e mail you if you want to know more about this ministry............( I have some exciting news ) I will be speaking Saturday night also at 6 pm in Humble also now.
I want to share something that has always touched and affected my life. When I lived in Tulsa, Ok I started up a power washing company and I loved it, I was power washing cars, trucks, boats, decks, houses, businesses, and heavy equipment. Well, the ministry grew to the point I could no longer have my business but I kept my power washer because I really enjoyed power washing. Well after moving to Wisconsin I knew the enemy didn't want me here but I knew God did well the ministry kept growing and needed to get things for the ministry but I had no local supporters so I knew as sad as it was I needed to sell my power washer for supplies and so I could buy groceries. I still miss my power washer and I someday hope to get one again but my point is this if someone comes to you in need are you willing to surrender something you really enjoy or like? See my power washer meant a lot to me because I knew it was fun but I also enjoyed just hanging out with God while I was power washing so when I knew people were in need I knew I didn't have a choice no matter how bad it was heart-wrenching. So many people contact me and say I want to start a ministry or how can I get my ministry to grow? So many people don't realize that to be successful in Gods eyes is to live as a living sacrifice but if you plan on having a ministry you will have to learn God requires this in every single area of your life and he will hold you accountable. See so many think I know I am supposed to help people and I want to build a ministry but this one thing God can't touch, well what so many don't realize is that one thing can hold you back from your miracle and your breakthrough, so no matter where you are in life and no matter what your doing ask yourself is there anything in my life that has become more important than my relationship with Christ? Because idols will keep you out of heaven!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

 Looking for answers http://exposingthedarkness.com/media/books/
As a  evangelist or as pastor speaking in a church, I have learned whether I am speaking in a church or at a conference hall that there are certain things that can't be discussed amongst young people but so many people don't seem to realize is if you don't discuss sins like satanism, occults, looking at children in a sexual way, issues with domestic violence, what is domestic violence, why is incest wrong, why are Quija board sells skyrocketing, why is going to a psychic wrong, why are psychics opening up businesses at alarming rate now, why are so many famous and common day people turning to child porn, why are people buying Mannequins for sexual pleasure, why are people actually having sex with diamond jewelry, money, or expensive cars ? Why are so many babies, childern, teens and even adults now right here in America vanishing without a trace? So many want to complain because theirs allowing a pedophile to move into their neighborhood and so many want to complain about this or that because so many have no one to go to for help. So many pastors and leaders walk in fear because they don't understand their authority. The church used to be a place to go for help or advice but now the church has become so weakened by fear while the world is screaming we have got all the answers for all your problems with humanism concepts. And to make matters much worse not only are demons 100% backing the concepts of humanism while laughing the church is backing humanism also. So many pastors and leaders wont even talk about suicide but yet every  13 minutes (most accurate) someone takes their life. Just vets alone 22 take their life every day. Church if we dont help those who are hurting and need answers what good are we really doing because if the church won't give answers and those who are demon possessed, demon oppressed, suicidal, hopeless, have strange or sexual ideas who will?  Listen it is time to humble ourselves and go back to the word of God and repent.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Saturday, March 4, 2017

I find it so heartbreaking how many people who claim to be Christians are doing the sane thing as witches,occultist,satanist,New agers,psychics,mediums,Tarot card readers,spiritualist,crystal ball readers and those that channel their all going to the tree of knowledge instead of putting their trust in the word of God. They're putting trust in the tree of knowledge.The tree of knowledge is where people gain wisdom or help from people which is humanism or demonic powers.I find it so heartbreaking how many people will go to a financial adviser, a doctor, a psychologist, counselor, a priest, or a parent or friend before they will go to God. So many people claim psychology and self-help books are so important but they don't understand we need more of Christ in our lives and a whole lot less of humanism. So many claim they need a job, need help ,need to find a career, need marriage counseling, or need to go to go back to school but so many of these people you wonder have they truly ever sought after Gods' heart See so many will contact me on a weekly basis having all kinds of problems but this ministry helps people understand there is power and authority when you speak the name of Jesus Christ and when you speak the scriptures out. See humanism will tell you that you need to do see a psychologist, counselor or a so-called adviser but I may have no college but I tell people that if you are saved you need a dose of the Holy Ghost, one hour in deep prayer with the presence of God is worth more than thousands of hours elsewhere. I am not against Doctors or psychologist but my faith is in God and his word not in humans opines.I had cancer, I was in and out of 7 mental wards and 6 rehabs, I had countless mental and physical problems but when Jesus Christ healed me physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.See who do you really believe the word of God or the tree of knowledge?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Would you like to get a free book yes 100% free from exposing the darkness ministry? Has my ministry blessed you in anyway ? Share how.
When people claim faith doesn't work I wonder how many of these people dont realize what are breakthrough killers.See when you walk in gossip, pride, haughtiness, unforgiveness, strife, envy, lust, self-pity, and lack of compassion towards the poor and the needy God will turn a deaf ear to your prayers till you finally humble yourself and repent of any of these sins.See one major reason why people don't like to read the bible and or pray is when you read the bible and pray you are activating the Holy Spirit in a mighty way to where he will gently speak to you about a certain sin in your life.So many Christians walk in pride because of their house, car, their job they have, the or position they have in a church, or because of their income but then so many of these Christians feel empty and have to battle with all kinds of lesser spirits because they don't have the shield of faith so when the enemy says things in the spirit against them they have no shield so the enemy's arrows pierce their heart constantly. So many people have asked me since I wrote a book on Suicide why would a Christian ever commit suicide and its sad to say but Satan is spewing wicked arrows at Christians day and night but if you aren't walking with your shield of faith raised up those spewing arrows will hit you.See those spewing arrows are things like an attack on your own self-esteem, your job, your marriage, even your relationships with co-workers and friends.So before you claim that faith doesn't work or your not getting your breakthrough ask the Holy Spirit to show you If your walking in humility or not? See God wants to bless you, he is the ultimate loving daddy and he wants to see you walk in victory question is are you walking around like the Devil or are you walking in humility, love, and compassion like Christ?

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

So many people I meet from all over struggle with this or that sin. So instead of focusing on Christ they have become so consumed with their sin they no longer see Christ or feel he is even walking with them.Church no matter what the sin is Christ wants to help you deal with the problem but too many turn a hill into a mountain because they feel so hopeless and so defeated but what if I told you Christ love for you doesn't change whether you are in sin or not. See my ministry reaches out to some of the most broken, crushed, abused, hopeless, raped, devasted humans you could ever meet. Those who have involved in some of the most perverted, disgusting, wicked, evil ,, perverted or demonic sins my ministry reaches out to. But I love to point out to all of them you can't make God or the son of God love you any more or any less.When Christ died on the cross he said it is finished so no matter what your battling with if you are saved you have the victory if you are deep into wicked and disgusting sins repent and Christ will help you. So many feel God has abandoned them because they lost their job, lost their home, had their spouse leave them, had a dear friend take their life, see problems are real but no matter what your facing Christ is there wanting to help you walk through the pain and suffering. See so many see me as this man of God but I am one of the biggest failures in life and I was a king of sinners in life. See the only reason why I am alive today and not dead burning in hell is because of Gods grace and compassion. See I may not have an answer to why things happen but I will say this Christ feels your pain and he said he will never leave us or forsake us, so no matter what you are facing today cry out to him because he really does want to bless you. Remember this always Christ is the answer to your break through and your restoration.